As the days of festivities usher in, we often drop our guard and tend to forget all the health related issues. It has been seen that even people who are very disciplined and lead a healthy life start suffering from problems like fluctuations in the dietary habits and weight related issues.
New Year and its eve are two such days when people are in the mood of revelry where high calorie, high carbohydrate fried food rules the day. Items like fried chicken, sausages, hamburgers etc gorged upon with glee without a second thought on the after effects.
The most important tip to enjoy a healthy and nutritious new year is to keep your expectations real, so that you would be able to achieve it. To think that you would be able to fight your desires for the festive food completely is absurd and you will end up breaking your plans even before starting them. Then opting for grilled or boiled food over fried is the best option one can have. As it provides a slow and steady shift to the people who succumb easily to temptations. Although the idea of boiled or grilled food seems bland but there are lot of options like low calorie low fat sauce and spices which go a long way in making a food item tantalizing.
For people who have a sweet tooth and often end up piling a huge number of calories can switch to a healthier and natural alternative, fruits. Fresh fruits like melons, apples, oranges, grapes etc are excellent alternatives as they satiate the carvings and provide the required nutrition value. This can be proven by the fact that nowadays fruits salads have become very popular and served with almost every meal.
The final problems that can mar a festive holiday are drinks. It is common knowledge that coffees, tea and soda have drastic effects on health and a sudden increase in their intake can lead to potential disasters. The most apt alternative for these drinks is water. The more you drink it the healthier you feel. You can also go for fruit juices orange or melon juices which are high on nutrition or lemonades which has always been an excellent refreshing drink. Then one can always experiment with milk, where products like flavored dairy products have become hugely popular.
In the end as we can see that celebrating in a healthy way is tough task, it’s just that you have to let your imagination run a little wild.
Whether it's your birthday or the birthday of some one close to you, it'll always be an occasion that remains the reservoir of happy memories, lots of laughter and wholesome family fun! Birthday is one of those occasions where the strong emotional bonds, warmth of heartfelt best wishes go beyond the barrier of language and sincere and cordial birthday wish always becomes successful in conveying with its true glory.
Other than the usual party, celebrations, good food and sparkling birthday gifts, it is a day when the spotlight shines on friends, relatives, parents and cheerful memories. It is the day when the birthday boy or girl is in his or her most emotionally vulnerable state. Feelings, thoughts previously unspoken, may be in fear of denunciation are expressed on this day as it is the perfect occasion to share feelings and emotions along with best wishes.
When it comes to wishing your loved ones on his or her birthday, originality and uniqueness is the key to make your dear one feel surprised and delighted. It's hard to put in to words what you want to express to the birthday boy or girl on that special day, but once you tell them how wonderful you feel on their birthday, the expression on their face with bright smile and cheerful look makes the day all the more special. To brighten up the birthday of your loved onesyou may be finding the right word to express your heartfelt best wishes can be a difficult task, so why don't you go beyond the barrier of language and wish happy birthday in different languages. It's sure to make your friend, relative or whoever is the birthday boy or girl, feel fascinated and really excited at this unique birthday wish. Even if it is the birthday celebration of a little kid, wishing happy birthday in different languages can be a quite an educating way of wishing someone happy birthday. Kids can learn those languages a little and feel fascinated in exploring more, consequently stirring their learning faculty in an indirect way. Here is a list which will help you to wish "Happy Birthday" in different languages of the world. So next time you are at a birthday party you can share the joy and excitement in different languages. It can be an amusing at the same time a unique learning experience for both of you.
Brazil: Parabéns a você! nesta data querida muitas felicidades e muitos anos de vida.
Chinese-Cantonese: Sun Yat Fai Lok!
Chinese-Mandarin: qu ni sheng er kuai le
Croatian: Sretan Rodendan!
Czech: Vsechno nejlepsi k Tvym narozeninam!!
Danish: Tillykke med fodselsdagen!
Dutch: Hartelijk gefeliciteerd! or Van harte gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag!
Esperanto: Felichan Naskightagon!
Farsi: Tavalodet Mobarak!
Finnish: Hyvaa syntymapaivaa!
French (Canada): Bonne Fete!
French: Joyeux Anniversaire!
German: Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!
Greek: Eytyxismena Genethlia! or Chronia Pola!
Hawaiian: Hau`oli la hanau!
Hebrew: Yom Huledet Same'ach!
Hungarian: Boldog szuletesnapot! or Isten eltessen!
Italian: Buon Compleanno!
Japanese: Otanjou-bi Omedetou Gozaimasu!
Russian: S dniom razhdjenia! or Pazdravliayu s dniom razhdjenia!
Spanish: Feliz Cumpleaños!
Swedish: Grattis på födelsedagen
Taiwanese: San leaz quiet lo!
Thai: Suk San Wan Keut!
Ukrainian: Mnohiya lita! or Z dnem narodjennia!