Thursday, February 24, 2011

How to Make Money Online.

Nowadays there are many ways to earn money online, legitimate and not.In this article I will try to list known to me "themes" on which the Russian Webmasters make money.
But those "issues" on which I make, I will focus on the individual series.In them, I will share with you my personal experiences and reveal some secrets.
And do not forget about site 1000, and a way to make money online with the published audited income options for beginners and advanced webmasters.
Let's start...1. SITES (CONTEXT, selling links Affiliate)This version of earnings available to any user of Internet.Your task - to create an interesting web site and then use several advertising mechanisms to monetize it.
And if you think it is incredibly difficult, you are wrong.With the right approach the impossible at first sight is possible.And this the right approach, I try to teach you.
However, it is not necessary to create a site for people.You can create websites for search engines, which optimizer will buy links.It is at times easier and more affordable!
For details, see How to make money online2. INVESTMENTS (FOREX, STOCKS, DW)It's the easiest way to make money online.And at the same time the most risky.For how easily you can earn a sizeable sum, it can also be easily and lose.
Surely you know what the word INVESTMENT.On investments in offline, online investment differ in that they are available to any user with at least a minimum amount to start.
For details, see the Internet investment3. Freelance (web design, SEO, Copywriting, Posting)Freelance - is a worthy occupation for these specialists in some field of web technologies: web design, layout, creating logos and web sites, web programming.Freelancer - a person who works on itself, outside firms, organizations and offices.
Freelancer looking for customers for special labor exchanges, and after the order gets paid for the work.Freelancers can be considered and copywriters who write articles for websites to order, and translators and other people who earn in the network, do some one-time job (kopy-pastery, SEO-guys).
The qualification of human experience depends on his royalties.Thus, an advanced webmaster will certainly earn much more than a green rookie running poster.However, both he and the other are freelancers, because have no permanent place of work and own businesses.4. SALES INFORMATION (INFO-BUSINESS DELIVERIES)INTERNET business information - an electronic business based on selling information.And the information is not what Aby, a unique and valuable to your target audience.More often - it is the experience of people in a certain area of life activity.This does not necessarily earnings on the Internet, as many newcomers.On the Internet, you can sell information on many different topics!It's health, and business organization offline, and self-motivation, and many others...
In the primitive essence of info business is to create an information product in digital format (ebook, audio lecture, video, etc.) and selling it with a mini-sites.Info-Business - one of the hardest ways to earn, lighted on this site.But the money results from it, with the right approach, will be much weightier than any other versions of earnings.Do you want a quick and short-term result?Or result, which will provide you with years?
For details, see Business Information on the Internet5. Doorway (adult, PHARMA)Doorway pages - is automatically generated sites that redirect users to other sites using redirects.Web-master at the same time gets the money for the mere fact of transition or for the actions of the user to the site the recipient.Doorway pages are created automatically by means of special programs and thus are optimized for search queries, and then pumped external links with spam on forums, guest books, etc.
Here revolve very much money, because the doorway earn in areas such as Adult (adult content) and Pharma (tablets and pills).Web Wizard is registered in the affiliate program (GlavMed, StimulCash, etc.) gets sponsored links and through doorways "chasing" him on the traffic.This is a primitive, but in general doorways with adult and farm very difficult subject in which I myself apart pretty bad.Money out there revolve rather big, so explore this way of earning I will start soon.6. StartUp (DRAFT SERVICE BUSINESS)Start - this is serious!Generally, a web-based project in the network at the initial stage of development, unique in its own way (not always), which provides users with a service.At the core of any start-up on the idea of "how to make life better" and earn money.
Successful start-include all the well-known social network vKontakte, which was based a unique (and perhaps even peeped in the west) idea.And around this idea was built a social network, which continues to grow into the users and creators to make money.Well, of course, investors who believed in a startup, have invested money and now make a profit.
For the organization of a startup needs a great idea and a good investor.It's difficult and not available to all, but like any big business, most promising.7. BloggingBlogging - it's interesting!Professional bloggers have in the west earn a four-digit amounts every month, just posting on his Web log of interesting information from the first-person.A blog can be dedicated to absolutely any subject, but the most successful projects focus on what is truly interesting to the author.I myself am a blog and I make it good by the standards of Runet money.I have two or three times a week, sharing their personal experiences with readers, while earning money on direct advertising.And not necessarily be a professional writer to make an interesting blog - enough to keep in mind the information that will benefit the people.If, however, tell you nothing, then start a blog is not worth at all...Is that all?Not at all, because I do not sit still.I'm looking for new activities.And as soon as I find something worth your attention, make sure contains information on the site.

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